We are Paskay, a Peruvian company born from the convergence of professionals with extensive experience in facilitating responsible investment in forests, working hand in hand with their guardians and managers.

At Paskay we seek to convert the complex concrete climate financing schemes for forests into actions in the territory that translate into goals and tangible benefits for people and their potential to reduce deforestation.

We are convinced that the private sector plays a fundamental role in generating the investments at scale that are needed in our forests to generate sustainable benefits in the communities.


Somos Paskay, una empresa peruana que nace de la convergencia de profesionales con amplia experiencia en la facilitación de inversión responsable en los bosques de la mano de sus guardianes y responsables.

En Paskay buscamos convertir los complejos esquemas de financiamiento climático para bosques en acciones concretas en el territorio que se traduzcan en metas y beneficios tangibles para las personas y su potencial para reducir la deforestación.

Estamos convencidos del rol clave del sector privado para generar las inversiones a escala que se necesitan en los bosques para generar beneficios sostenibles en las comunidades.


Paskay es una palabra de origen quechua, que significa: desatar, desenredar, resolver. Esta palabra nos inspira a trabajar en desenredar los complejos mecanismos de inversión en bosques con metas y beneficios concretos para las personas.
Los profesionales de Paskay estamos convencidos del potencial de dicha inversión para reducir la deforestación, promover la restauración y generar desarrollo en las comunidades.


Paskay is a word of Quechua origin, which means untie, unravel, resolve. This word inspires us to work on unraveling the complex mechanisms of investment in forests with concrete goals and benefits for people.

Paskay professionals are aware of the potential of such investment to reduce deforestation, promote restoration, and generate development in communities.


Improve livelihoods in forest communities through projects built and led by the actors themselves, with a territorial development approach that reduces deforestation.


Be innovative and relevant actors in national and global efforts to reduce deforestation.


Paskay has been developing these projects:


    Jurisdictional REDD+ Programs are efforts by regional governments to support the implementation of activities that reduce deforestation and forest degradation.


    “TULLPA+, more conscious kitchens for our community” is a project to implement environmentally friendly wood-fired kitchens that seeks to improve the quality of life of families in rural areas of Peru.